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About Kim

"I would be honored to be your Health Coach!  I'm the guide on your side, walking with you and together we will take the journey towards your best life!!!" 
              Kimberly Stanley

     Hello, welcome to my website!  I'd like to share a little bit of my history with you, so you get to know me better and know how and why I started down this path into the world of "Holistic Health".  To begin, I'm a highly sensitive,  intuitive "Empath". I live here on the beautiful raw coast of Maine, where the Atlantic ocean meets the land and the air smells of sea salt.  It took many years to arrive where I am today. My journey to health and wellness was one filled with many personal struggles and adversity.  I really didn’t have much guidance in this area, but somehow as a highly sensitive young girl, I had a natural intuition about my health and how food and my environment played a role in how I felt.  Skipping to my high school years, I tried to eat healthy but I wasn’t eating enough and and my immune system started to suffer. I guess food was one area I thought I could control, because there were so many other things in my life that were out of my control! I also had a deep fear that I would become overweight and unhealthy like some of my family and this affected my attitude towards food. I developed an eating disorder and lost an unhealthy amount of weight.

     After high school, I decided to go to cosmetology school.  I was working a second shift full time job and going to school.  Eating on the run, I went in the opposite direction and gained a considerable amount of weight.  Feeling insecure about my weight, I tried a couple fad diets only to gain the weight back.  I can recall a guy friend of mine telling me I would be really beautiful if I lost 20 pounds...ouch! The truth was, I was overweight, insecure, out of balance, overworked, and at the time involved in a unhealthy relationship.

     Everything had bubbled to the surface and the constant life stressors led to anxiety issues.  I knew family and friends that where on prescription medications for similar health issues, but to me they didn't seem to really improve and the drugs didn't truly heal their issues. I went to see a Doctor about my anxiety and he mentioned anti-anxiety medication and It just didn't feel right to me! I said "I don't want to take a prescription if I don't have to, I'd like to find a natural alternative. My inner guidance, higher self knew right then that I had to take a long hard look at where my life was going and where I would wind up if I didn't make some serious changes!!  I made a personal decision to approach my health issues naturally and holistically. Please know, that I realize there are certain medications that are needed and do improve particular conditions and thank god they're here!  This is my personal journey and this is where my path to wellness started.  I began educating myself and reading many books on health and nutrition, I started eating healthier and exercising. I was absorbing all that I was learning.  Before I knew it,  friends and family would ask me, “What diet pill are you taking?” “You look great!”  I had lost 20 pounds, naturally! However, my life was far from perfect and I still had much work ahead to do!

     Over the years, I kept taking steps forward, improving my health and weight.  I was happier and feeling more confident. I decided to open a salon with healthier more natural products called "Salon Organic". The new business concept really took off and I felt  better about not exposing my clients and myself to dangerous chemicals. I continued to study and became self-taught and passionate in the area of holistic health, nutrition, personal growth and development.  I was helping my family, friends and clients by giving them advice on everything I had learned.  I realized I was improving peoples lives for the better with my holistic approach to health and that I wanted to do this work full time.  I decided to become formally trained in the holistic health field at the "Institute for Integrative Nutrition" in 2012.  I am now a "Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach" and "Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner" specializing in women's health, nutritional, lifestyle and behavioral coaching. My studies have continued, please go to my "education tab".  My work focuses in on health issues, such as... natural hormone balancing, gut health, stress/anxiety management, weight loss, improved confidence, ageless living, empowering women with all my holistic tools so they can Rock this life and truly live their dreams! I feel a women's struggles and pain, because I've been there! I'm using my many years of education and wisdom to help transform others.  I also consult and educate my clients on natural remedies and proper supplementation.  I truly believe with wholefood nutrition,  proper supplementation, healthy lifestyle and mindset the body can heal itself by itself!  Women just need some support and accountability.  I health coach in private, one on one or group sessions, virtually and by phone.  I want to support you to live your life fiercely no matter what age and be your guide on your journey to your best life!!! 

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