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A special message

Hello my sisters, I was about to give you guys an easy recipe for a home cleanse, but I feel like I want to go deeper than cleanses and healthy food. I'm being called much higher these days, call it a deep woman's intuition and wisdom. The message I want to share with you is, we can eat all the green leafy veggies and healthy food we want and still feel like crap! Women have been made in this masculine world to wear a smile, and when asked "How are you?" we say great, fine. Woman are Rarely great or fine! Face it, we have so much to contend with. The truth is today we're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Even today in this modern world we are still the caretakers, nurturers, cooks, and yes at times can feel like slaves to our family's and male counter parts. So let me ask you, are you less than because you're a woman? Then why all the extra pushing and doing? It's as if women today need to be given permission to spoil and take care of themselves. Well, I'm here to remind you of who you really are and what a woman truly deserves. No matter what age, race, weight or what you think you're imperfections are. You are the sacred feminine, unique and beautiful in your own way. Women are the creator's of life! Just think about that for a moment! Men feel better just being around most of us and when we are with other sister's of like mind and spirit we become stronger, healthier and more glowing. The truth is women are f...king amazing! We deserve what ever we desire, however we are so detached from our desire, some of us don't even know what we want. It's time to wake up my ladies! It's a new day! Get quite today and ask "what do I really want". You matter! What you want matters! Ask "What is one small thing I could make time for to spoil my wonderful self today?" The ticket to feeling radiant, healthy, glowing is your pleasures and desires. So make time for it, no matter how small. It could be a walk with a girl friend or a night out dancing, a hot salt bath with candles. Get back to you! It's your responsibility to feed yourself and fill your own tank, please don't let it get empty. Then we have something to bring everyone else in a more loving, radiant way. Until the next time my sister's!!!, XOXOXO

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